25 MAY 1929, Page 16


Perhaps the most spacious view in the Home counties may be seen from Whipsnade, where the New Zoo is in being. The Zoo itself will -preserve the area, • in one way, and the National Trust also has an area of land thereabouts under its protection. But the -people of this thinly populated neighbourhood are nervous of the popularity that will soon be theirs. They desire to •" preserve intact the amenities of the quiet old village and -its charming greens- and. commons.'!. To this end they are organizing for .June 1st a country Fair- with a- number of new and old country games, in which airplanes, horses and motor cycles will take a share. The money earned will be given to the National Trust and devoted: to the work of repressing bungaloid and other evil growths.; Tickets for these generously organized and aesthetically- minded games may be had at ls. each from. Captain Hunt,.

Bennets' Cottage, Whipsnade, Beds._ • - * *, * *