On Monday there was a welcome move from Washington, which
helps to relieve the immediate strain. President Hoover appears to have obtained approval for a concession whereby America's Army of Occupation costs shall be reduced by about ten per cent. Since,_ however, the arrears are to be spread over a longer period of yeara, this does not offer much relief for Germany. The expedient which has ..supplied. the formula of agreement is commonly known as "-juggling with the accounts." Instead of the annuities beginning froin April 1st—like the German financial Year—as Schacht .propOsed, they .would.. not begin until September, thuls- releasing a surPlus of baWes plan payments. It remains tO be 'Seen whether Germany will accept the report; which, though meeting her reasonable desires,- does -not give satisfaction on - all points.' • At any rate, this game of shifting the responsi- ' bilify for a failure Of the Conference from one, nation to the other is highly discreditable in an age of inter- national co-operation. :