The reserves of industrial companies would be drawn upon nearly
to exhaustion to pay for the amelioration. Nor is that all. All experience proves that prosperous industrialists who take heavy risks in order to become prosperous will no_ longer take those risks if it ceases to be worth their While: They Put tip' the shutters; retire fioni business, and live in a _quieter way .On. what they, have saved. The penalization of the successful man of buSine4 ie one of the maddest economic policies ever invented. No one can become prosperous by industrial enterprise without creating prosperity for thoSe win:, work with him.' Regard what he takei for. hiinself froin the workers for whom he has created work as a per cairitccleiry-7-the sum that each nian pays is still a small burden-. But if the Work is taken away from them altogether by the collapse , of the induStry they lose everything. This is a Very old story. It is generally 'expressed in the .economic truth that there is alimit to the productiveness of all taxation.