Canada and U.S. Prohibition The announcement by our American correspondent
that President Hoover has duly redeemed his promise to set up a Law-Enforcement Commission follows quickly upon the publication of a Report on the conditions of liquor-smuggling on the border. between Canada and the United States. It is clear that the present Conven- tion, dated June 6th, 1924, is quite inadequate as a means of checking bootlegging,- not least because the Customs officials on either side easily succumb to bribery and corruption. Canada could not possibly make herself responsible, as America requests, for all the liquor that illicitly goes out of Canada to 'American ports. America for her part, has thought fit to refuse the Canadian invitation for American inspectors to be stationed in Canada. The Canadian Government have already co- operated with the American Government as far as they reasonably could in the attempt to make Prohibition effectiVe, but it would be an impossible task to keep a check on all the shipments which by trickery ;find their way across the Lakes. * •*