Electricity and Industry
AT a moment when the various political parties are eagerly presenting to the country their methods for, dealing with those industries which are still depressed, it must, in fairness, be admitted that the present Government has already given attention to two important factors designed to aid industry. One of these is the impending relief of some part of the burden of local rates, and the other is the supply of cheap electrical power to industry.
As regards the first of these factors, there may, of course, be some difference of opinion, some holding the view that while industry may experience relief, it will be at the partial expense of the taxpayer. That, of course, remains to be demonstrated, but as regards the supply of cheap electrical power, I think the only point that could conceivably be urged against the schemes now in course of fulfilment, is the possibility of parts of the countryside being disfigured by the network of cables which will be necessary to link up the various stations.