With the exception of an advance of 1 per cent on Monday, when the price of Con- sols rose from 861 to 878, the market has been in a quiescent state throughout the week. A downward fluctuation of about 1 per cent afterwards occurred; but the closing quotation of this afternoon is 871 A, being within A of the highest. Money continues very abundant, and has been obtained upon loan for short periods at the rate oil per cent per annum; that of commercial discount for the first-class bills can scarcely be quoted as high as 2 per cent. A report was prevalent of a farther reduction of the Bank rate of discount by the Directors at the weekly meeting yesterday; but no such reduction occurred. By the West India mail packet, the arrival of which was known yesterday, only about 27,000 dollars were received on account of the Mexican dividends. This occasioned considerable disappointment,. as a much larger remittance was expected. The telegraphic announcement had indeed stated it at only 5,000 dollars; and the price of the Stock, which previously stood at 21A, fell immediately to 20i; later in the day, -how- ever, the real amount of the shipment became known, and the price improved again to 21i; within per cent of which it has continued today. A notice has appeared from the Financial Agency of the Portuguese Government, stating that the over-due Coupon of the Three and Four per Cent-Stook-of July 1847 will be in course of payment on the 9th February, .subject-to a deduction of 25 per cent. For-this 25 per cent the Bondholders will be entitled to receive a Three per Cent-Stock; the first dividend upon which will become due on the 1st January 1849,- and wilt be paid in -February, without being liable to.any future re- duction. The other 'Foreign Stocks-are without material change, or any extent of transactions. They are generally firm at some improvement upon our last prices. 'The Railway Market presents no feature of importance. Statements of the fi- nancial condition of the Midland and Eastern Counties Railways have been put forth by the.Directors; but they do not appear to have been satisfactory to the proprietors, as in both cases the prices of the Shares have declined. The Midland have fallen about 41. The Eastern Counties have not declined more than 10s.; but this is upon a 201-Share,. and is equivalent to 2A per cent. The general as- pect of _the market may be considered heavy.
Theaccountsof the.Bank of England for the' week ending the I8th.November exhibit, when :wed witk those of the, preceding week, the.following results.-
Other Depos. .
£633,503 Seven-day and other Bills 2.410 , Government Securities, including Dead-weight
Other Securities
Notes unissued 46 0,115
Actual Circulation
Notes issued 237,630
Bullion 241,206
TAU week. Last week.
Total Bullion in both Departments 13,919,960 13,878,754 Actual Cireulation . • • 17,843,145
.18,066,530 SATURDAY, Twirt.vx o'Ctoog.
The English Stock Market opened firmly. The first price of Consols both for Money and Account was 87k; there were for a short time buyers at that quota- tion,' but the price has since gone hack to the closing quotation of yesterday-871 A. There is no change or' business of importance occurring in the Foreign Market. TheRailway Shares are.nearly in'the same state as ye.sterday, and the transac- tions of the.morning.have not been of sufficient importance to require a specific notice.
3 per Cent Consols
Ditto for Account
3 per'Clent-Reduced
si• per Cents
871 I
87f 86,1 j -8611 i
Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 2} per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents
Mexican 5 per Cents •1846
62 5 47 8 71 2 .2 l• } Long Annuities
31, i
New Grenada -12-54 Bank Stock
Portuguese N. 4 per Cents 1842 24 5} 'Exchequer Bills 37 43 pm. Portuguese Old 1824 68 70 tindia Stock .- - Russian 5 per Gents 99 101 Brazilian 5 per Cents 72 4 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents
tit 121
Belgian 4g per Cents 71_2
Ditto 3 per Cents 1842
.Buenos Ayres
'19 11 Venezuela 14 16 Chillan 6 per Cents 83 5