Pierson, Accused As The Murderer Of Mary Newmaitat St....
fully committed for trial, yesterday, on what seemed conclusive evidence.......
SATURDAY. Lord Melbourne is - no more. It is well known that for several years his tenure of life had been precarious; for a week past his death had been hourly expected; and......
There Is Hardly Any Fresh News. Of Importance From Any
quarter.of . the Continent. In the French Assembly, yesterday, M. Jules Tavremade an elaborate attack on the Government; endeavouring, by a multitude of minute de- tails to......
Tmea.tres And Music.
Dramatic novelties have been -somewhat numerous this week; in feet, more numerous than important. At the Haymarket, the novelty—The Ifrught of Arva—is a drama in two acts. Were......
In The Dearth Of Exciting News, And:in Harmony R As The...
says, with the meteoric seasons, which about this lime, exhibit the phsanoruena of "fulling -stars," some of the newspapers have been throwing club gossip on Ministerial changes......
The Times Abstracts Some Private Letters Received From...
by the Severn, picturing the deplorable disorganization to which the colony is reduced by the adjournment of the Combined Court sine die, without its having voted the taxes. A......
M:oney Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. With the exception of an advance of 1 per cent on Monday, when the price of Con- sols rose from 861 to 878, the market has been in a quiescent......