25 NOVEMBER 1848, page 12

At The Adelphi, We Are Presented With A Specimen Of

Liverpool wit,— videlicet, a burlesque on Shakspere's Tempest, written by two brothers named Brough, and transplanted from the boards of Liverpool to those of London. In native......

Topics Of The Day.

WEST YORKSHIRE. THE Fitzwilliam assault on the West Riding has been a " fiasco " —a total and disgraceful failure. It reduces mere family dicta- tion ad absurdum, and it will......

The Performance Of The Messiah At Exeter Hall Last Night,

for the first time since M. Costa has assumed the direction of the Sacred Harmonic Society's concerts, was another proof, in addition to those he had already given, of his great......

Mr. Bunn Has Varied A Little His Covent Garden Repertoire

by the pro- duction of The Ludy of the Lake,—La Donna del Logo in an English dress. It was performed for the first time on Saturday; but the success was not such as to lead to......

Tmea.tres And Music.

Dramatic novelties have been -somewhat numerous this week; in feet, more numerous than important. At the Haymarket, the novelty—The Ifrught of Arva—is a drama in two acts. Were......

A Series Of Weekly Concerts Has Been Set On Foot

at Exeter Hall under the title of the "London Wednesday Concerts," with the professed object of placing the enjoyment of classical musks within the reach of the general body of......

Foreign Advices Tell Us, That The French Piece From Which

a thing called Two Owls in One Ivy-bush, is taken was highly relished in Paris. Either the English version produced at the Lyceum is a very bad representation of the French......

In Chatacters Of Rattling Vivacity, Where The Animal...

to flow on nnimpeded, there is no actress—if we set aside Mrs. Nisbett—who can excel Mrs. Stirling. Cousin Cherry, a little piece from the French, pro- duced at the Olympic, has......