The by-election in South Somerset, which took place on Tuesday,
has resulted, we are delighted to see, in the return of Mr. Aubrey Herbert by a majority of 148. Sir Edward Strachey's majority in December, 1910, was 467. What makes the result specially significant is the fact that ever since its creation the division has been a safe Liberal mat, All the political commentators agree that the election was fought and decided on the Insurance Bill, and that in South Somerset the Bill was, as it were, referred to the electors and they condemned it, as we believe they condemned it at Oldham, and as we feel sure they would condemn it elsewhere if only opportunity were allowed them. Mr. Aubrey Herbert will be a real acquisition to the House of Commons. As we go to press we learn that the Unionist Party will be further reinforced by the return of Lord Robert Cecil for Riteltin.