Nothing, As A Rule, Is More Useless Than...
We must, however, protest against the unworthy sneers of the Saturday Review at the new leader of the Unionist Party. It was quite right to oppose his leadership or to treat it......
We Note With Regret, Though Without Surprise, That The Irish
Council of Agriculture, by 47 votes to 33, has refused to support the application of Sir Horace Plunkett's Irish Agricultural Organization Society for a grant in aid from the......
Lord Burghclere, Who Was President Of The Board Of Agri-
culture in the Liberal Administration of 1892-5, has completely associated himself with Mr. Sonar Law's condemnation of the Government proposal to set up a separate Board for......
On Monday In The House Of Lords Lord Haldane Made
a statement on the Territorial Force. He was informed by the General Staff that the force was sufficient to provide for coast defence and for defence against raids, as well as......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 3 Per Cent.
Sept. 21st. Consols (21) were on Friday 78I—Friday week 781.......
A Deputation Of Nonconformist M.p.a, Dissatisfied With...
to deal with education only in the lifetime of the present Parliament, waited on the President of the Board of Education on Tuesday. They urged on him the need of bringing in a......
We Must Add That Lord Haldane Did An Injustice, In
our opinion, to the National Service League when he represented it as discouraging young men from joining the Territorials. A considerable proportion of the Territorials are......
We Are Perfectly Sure That Mr. Bonar Law Will Care
nothing for this unworthy detraction, but we can assure the Saturday Review that there are plenty of men who belong to the bodies they have named who have read the paragraph......
The Times Of Wednesday States In Its " Political Notes
" that "the desirability is being discussed among Opposition peers of introducing into the National Insurance Bill a Referendum clause when it conies before their House. It is......
Yesterday Week The Master Of The Rolls And Lords Justices
Fletcher Moulton and Farwell declared Form IV. and Form VIII. invalid, faulty, and unauthorized. The judg- ment makes it clear that the Inland Revenue Commissioners acted ultra......