We Shall Be Told, Of Course, That Nobody Threatens France,
and that in fact we have so managed things that Germany is much more friendly to France than she is to us. Those who say that and think that are merely yielding to diplomatic......
The Times Of Tuesday Published An Extremely Interesting...
a conversation which its Peking correspondent had with Yuan Shih-kai. Yuan Shih-kai, while admitting the enormous difficulties of the situation, clung to his plan of retaining......
We May Note That By One Of Those Sudden Turns
which are so bewildering in German affairs the officially inspired Press of Germany—and almost the whole Press is officially inspired in regard to foreign matters—is now......
• * It * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return...
any case.......
News Of The Week.
N EITHER from Tripoli nor from China has any news of real importance been received during the week. In the case of Tripoli we presume that this means that the Italians are......
Lest The Element Of Farce Should Seem To Be Wanting
in the recent discussions about Germany, we may note that at the thirty-third annual meeting of the National Liberal Federation at Bath on Thursday Sir John Brunner, the......
We Have Dealt At Length Elsewhere With Our Relations With
Germany in anticipation of the debate which is to take place on Monday. We have not the slightest doubt that Sir Edward Grey will be able to show triumphantly that our foreign......