Wines of Alsace
Sir: I was impressed by the sound and unpretentious comments in the excerpt from Mr Amis's new book which appeared in your last issue However, I should like to take issue with him over one point.
The author stated, when discussing the wines of Alsace, " . . .
no reds are made." This is a widespread and understandable error, as I believe the only Alsatian " red " is not on any shippers list. It does, nevertheless, exist.
The Pinot noir (for some unknown reason, wines from the Pinot grape are described as ' gris ' and ' noir ', rather than blanc ' and ' rouge ') is a fine, dry wine of quite exceptional clarity. The colour is unusual, being a somewhat darker shade and warmer tone than most rosés, though not yet the colour of a conventional "
red" is not on any shipper's list.
This wine delighted me so much when I encountered it for the first time a couple of years ago, that I am sure Mr Amis will forgive me for upbraiding him over its omission. It is hoped to introduce the Pinot noir here at some time, and when that time comes, Mr Amis shall judge a case of it, with my compliments.
G. P. Beck.
Tanners Lane, Lymington, Hants.