25 NOVEMBER 1972, page 27


Sir: I am increasingly aware of tile value of John Rowan Wilson s column. I think we would symP,. thise more with his views on t°,` coronary because of his father s early tra g......

Vwi. • Section

Sir: Bernard Dixon (November 4), is of course right in what he says, and would, in fact, have been absolutely right if he had said a lot more — that is to say, if he, had said......

Specialist And Layman

Sir: In two ways Mr Vaizey does well (November 18) to cite Geoffrey Crowther's Economist as the exemplar of the process among periodicals of bringing the findings of specialists......

Into Europe

Sir: Your leading article earlier this year, entitled Iniquitous Bill,' (February 19), was the finest and most succinct exposition of the treachery of Common Market membership......

From Miss Lucy M. Gonin Sir: In Exposing The Facts

of continental slaughterhouses in al their diabolical cruelty, Jane Hilary has neatly placed in proper perspective the quality of the " glittering prize " Mr Heath describes as......

Under The Arches

Sir: A mini-matter in general to bother your readers with, but vital enough to me. Your Bookbuyer ' (November 11) gave a hearsay and inaccurate version of my encounter with the......

Lady Astor

Sir: As a leading authority, Mr Maurice Collis (November 18) has reviewed my biography of Lady Astor in generous terms. I feel nevertheless that "for the record " I should......

Money Supply

Sir: It's a very surprising thing how few people seem to understand the simple, basic principle which underlies all economics. I learnt it myself at the knees of Dr Hjalmar......


Sir: Preparations are being made in Great Britain to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Bhai Vir Singh, a great Indian poet of the Panjabi language, and a religious......

Terrorist Groups

Sir: In your issue of November 4, 1972. (' Another Spectator's Notebook ') you speak of "the murderous activities of the Black September and other groups, including graduates of......