25 OCTOBER 1851, Page 11


The English Stock Market has been very firm, with a glow but gra al advance, until the price of Consols has today reached 971 for Money' The

business transacted has not been important; its chief eharacte having been the general continuance of investments, by which almost ftlt the float- ing Stook has been absorbed. The other Government Stocks have advanced proportionally. Bank Stock has also improved, and is today as high as 2141 ; while India Stock is also higher, being tacky 2621. Money continues very abundant ; the rate of discount from 21 to 3 per cent.

Some of our contemporaries are busy discussing the law of partnership,

3 iier Cent Consols

BiLo for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills lndia Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian.41.per Cents Chilian 6per Cents Danish 5 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents

974 4


961 97 98 213 15 53 6 pm. 261 63 86 8 91 3 102 4 101 3 76 8 Dutch 24 per Cents

Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 Peruvian 6 per Cents ' Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 Portuguese 5 per cents 1824, Russian 5 per Cents

Ditto 41 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents

Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Sardinian Scrip Ditto Bonds

58. 3

89 00 26 . i 88 9 86 8 32 3 111 113 101/ 2 '

g2 A

301 die.

84 24 , with a view to the introduction of the French system of " eoaxmapdite," or limited partnership : and an illustration of this system will be found in the condition of the Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire Banking Company, as set tbrth in a petition presented by one of the shareholders, for bringinvit under the operation of the Joint Stock Companies Windirw-up Act. We should state, that the concern hopelessly -insolvent, and t . t addition to the loss of the entire subscribed capital, it is estimated that the share- holders will have to contribute about 400,0001. to meet existing liabilities. The chief item of loss is under the head of "dormant accounts," amounting to 6347831.; which sum has been advanced by the Directors upon insaf- ficient security, and will in all probability be totally lost. The business of the Foreign Market has been on the usual limited scale. Some slight animation has been observable for the last two days. Russian Stock has been in better demand, principally by the brokers employed by houses connected with France. The price has reached 101i : the:business, however, has been limited, iu consequence of the very small quantity of Stock at market. MIA of the other current varieties are without material change, though generally at rather 'better prices, in consequence of the improved appearance of the English Funds. Some, fluctuation occurred in the Railway Share Market, and a general ad- vance took place in most of the current varieties. This improvement has not, however, been maintained, and today's prices are but slightly higher then those of last week. Midland Stock, however, is about 2/. higher ; from 461 it rose to 50, and is today 484. The French Shares are rather firmer' in consequence of the market in l'aris having been steadyfor the last two days ; but we can- not notice any revival of the foreign demand.


The English Funds are firm. The opening price of Consols was 974; they -have since been done at 974 for Money, and are now 971 both for Money and Account. There is no change or business of moment occurring in the Foreign Market. The business in Railway Shares has been unim- portant, the transactions of the morning having as yet been confined to the following—Aberdeen, 81; Shrewsbury and Birmingham Class B, 41; Cale- donian, 111; York and North Midland, 191. SATURDAY Two o'CLocx. The English Funds continue to improve, and Consols have been done at 971 for Money, closing at 974 1 both for Money and Account. The transac- tions of the morning have not been important. The business of the Foreign Market has been limited. The reported conspiracy in St. Petersburg has had a slightly unfavourable effect upon the price of Russian Stock, the Four-and-a-half per Cents, which were at 102, having since been done at 1011. Sardinian Scrip is also lower, and has been done at 3 discount. The following are the principal transactions—Mexican, 264; Russian Four-and- a-half per Cents, 102 14; Sardinian Stock, 8q; Venezuela, 33 4 ; Ditto Deferred, 114; French 5 per Cents, 90.50; Ex. 25.20; Dutch Four per Cents, 894. The Railway Share Market is steady. The following are the principal transactions—Aberdeen, 8.1 1; Caledoman, 111 44; Great Northern, 151; Great Western, 804; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 544; London and Black- well, 61; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 924; London and North- western, 1134 14; London and South-western, 814 2; Midland, 484 44; North British, 5t ; North Staffordshire, Sa i ; South-eastern and Dover, 184 4; York and North Midland, 194; Hull and Selby, 234; Chester and Holyhead, 151; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 131; Ditto Consolidated and Birmingham 6 per Cent, 129; Boulogne and Amiens, 101; Namur and Liege, 64; West Flanders, 134; Commercial of London, 251.