The Movements In Germany Are Suspicious. The Frontier...
France are about to be reinforced, and the of the principal states placed on a war footing. The avowed cause of this is the unsatisfactory aspect of French politics. Professions......
Louis Napoleon Has Failed In Two Attempts To Form A
Parlia- mentary Cabinet. It is now understood that he will, as on a former occasion, get up a Cabinet of Ministers who are not mem- bers of the Assembly, and charge it with the......
News Of The Week.
Tiq state of affairs in South Africa is one of ever-increasing embarrassment and hopeless entanglement. The Caffres, aware of their inability to compete with disciplined......
Kossuth's Reception At Southampton, On Thursday, Has Been...
nature to lighten the darkness of exile. It is one of the sunny passages in his varied and stirring life. Driven from Hungary by the utter prostration of the cause he had......