As Far As Outward Show Goes, The Proceedings Of The
Govern- ment of Spain ought to give satisfaction to this country. Some vexatious restrictions on the transport of provisions from the Spanish territory, across the lines to......
The Exploits Of Our Anti-slavery Cruisers In The Waters Of
Bra- zil have induced the Ministers of that empire to contemplate a measure which if it do not arrest Lord Palmerston, may be pro- ductive of the gravest consequences. They have......
Itt Court.
THE Queen held a Court and Privy Council at Windsor Castle on Thurs- day afternoon. At the Council, Lord Seymour was sworn in a member of the Privy Ccruncil, and took his seat......
The Misunderstanding Between The Porte And The Pacha Of...
arising out of the project of a railway across the Isthmus of Suez, is said to be satisfactorily adjusted. The Pacha has con- descended to ask the Porte's permission to......
Louis Napoleon Has Failed In Two Attempts To Form A
Parlia- mentary Cabinet. It is now understood that he will, as on a former occasion, get up a Cabinet of Ministers who are not mem- bers of the Assembly, and charge it with the......
Cht 3littrnpnlio.
In a Court of Aldermen, held on Tuesday, Alderman Wilson, on behalf of the Committee of Privileges, presented the draft of resolutions which they had been directed to prepare,......
A. Belgian Paper Publishes What Purports To Be A Note
addressed by Lord Palmerston to the Neapolitan Minister in London. So many apocryphal state papers have appeared of late, that the authenticity of this document may be doubted.......
The Latest Intelligence From California Presents A New...
development of Lynch law. Hitherto that irregular mode of ad- ministerin g justice has been confined in the American Republic to districts which possessed no regular......