The latest intelligence from California presents a new phasis or
development of Lynch law. Hitherto that irregular mode of ad- ministering justice has been confined in the American Republic to districts which possessed no regular administrative or judicial or- ganization. But the Californians have got a constitution, have been recognized as a State, have elected a Governor and other Ma- gistrates. Upon these officials, however, mere honorary titles seem to have been conferred ; for, in defiance of their authority, capital execution has been inflicted, by a self-appointed Committee of Vigilance. An insurrection in Europe against an hereditary go- vernment in which the people has no share is intelligible ; but this insurrection in America against functionaries chosen not a year ago by the people, and for a brief term, betrays a fickleness com- bined with ferocity that augurs ill for the ascendancy of law and order.