The Lord Chief Justice of England has been at Rome,
and made his peace with the Pope for threatening, at the Guildhall dinner, last Lord Mayor's Day, to give him only Protestant justice if he should come to this country. Lord Campbell had an interview with his Holiness on the 7th instant ; and has just effected a safe return to London.
It is rumoured that Archbishop has withdrawn from the Ro- man Catholic Defence Association. The Roman Catholic Primate, Dr. Cullen, had been in Dublin during the recent meeting of the Defence As- sociation, and it is said that he declined to attend. The refusal of the Primate to take part in the establishment of the Association has been re- marked upon as a curious and significant fact. —Morning Chronicle Dublin Correspondent.
The second day of "Kossuth in England " was in the same style as the first, only on a smaller scale. The citizens of Winchester, with the sympathy of the Dean of their cathedral, though discountenanced by the Canons Residentiary, went out in procession to meet M. Kossuth at St. Cross, and took him with music and banners to the residence of Mr. An- drews, Mayor of Southampton, near the town. Lord Dudley Stuart was of the party ; and in the evening Mr. Cobden arrived from Southampton, whither he had gone in the morning from Sussex, and whence he had pursued the party he was there too late to join.