PRIGU: - 0 TutarvNiwr,..., BRITISH FUNDS. (Circling Priam)
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Accouat a per Cents Reduced 51 per Cents Long Annuities
Bank Stock, 7 per Cent
India Stock, 101,per Cent Exchequer per diem India Bonds 3 per Cent Saturd. Monday Tuesday. Wean. Thurs. Friday, 971 971
7 cad. .13 ex d. 262 54 pm.
571 971 9134 98
262 54 56 pm. 971 971 96# 971 7 2621 51 —
971 971 334 98 7 214
52 61
971 971 '968 -21
2148 53 62 971 ni 968 988 7 2148 2621 53 FOREIGN FUNDS.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian 5 p. Ct --
Massachusetts (Sterling).. .5 p. CI.
Belgian ' 4i -
92 Mexican 5
Ditto 21 - — Michigan 5 -
Brazilian 6 - 87 Missiscippi
Buenos Ayres 6 43
New York 5 -
96 Chilian 6 - 104 Ohlo 6 - 101 Danish 5 - 1021
Pennsylvania 5 -
82 Dutch (Ex. 11 Guilders) -21 - 384 PecuTlan 5 - 881 Ditto 4 - 90 Portuguese 5 - B68 French 3 - Ditto 5 50 f. 90f. 50 c. Ditto. 3 - Russian 5 -
Indiana 4 - 74 Spanish 5 -
Illinois 6 - Kentucky - 64 — Ditto 3 Ditto (Passive)
3161 Louisiana (Sterling) 5
90ex d. Ditto (Coupons)
Maryland (Sterling) 5
88 Venezuela Active 33 SHARE S.
(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.-
RAiLw Ars-
Caledonian lit Australasian 371 ex Edinburgh and Glasgow — British North American
Eastern Counties 6 Colonial
Great Northern 154 Commercial of London
Great South. and West. Ireland.. 331
Loudon mid Westminster
284 Great Western 503 LondorrJoint Stock 181 Hull and SeLby — National of Ireland 174 • Lancashire and Yorkshire 541 National Provincial
Lancaster and Carlisle. 78 Provincial ot Ireland
London Brighton and South Coast London and Blackwall 921
Union of Australia Union of London
r Of
London and North-western 1131 limes--
Midland 48/ Balance
North Britah IN Brazilian Imperial
Scottish Central
Ditto (St. John del Rey) 201 Eatith-eastern and Dover 181 Cobra Copper
South-weatem 811
York, Newcastle, and Berwick 18 Australian Agricultural ... .... . 16 York and North Midland 198 Canada 478
General Gteam 27i East and West India
Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 67 London 116 Royal Mail Steam 79 ea sk St. Katherine
" '' South AtIstralittn ' 298
f ,
BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 39, for the week ending on Saturday, the 18th day of Oct.4851. • issos DEPANTMIANT.
Notes issued £28,458,270 Government Debt £11,015,108
Other Securities 2,981,900
Gold Coin and Bullion
Saver Bullion
Proprietors' Capital
£14,553,000 Government Securitlea (in- Rest 3,147,4,2 cluding Dead Weightilunuisy) 3213,241,768 Public Deposits' 5,396,169 Other Securities 13,088,885 Other Deposits 10,339,401 Notes 7,782,265 Seven Day and otherBiLLs 1,268,108
Gold and Sliver Coin
596,234 £34,704,150 £34,704,150 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, Commissioners of National Debt, & DividendAects.
BULLION. Per oz.
Per ton.
Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard - -FA 17 9 Copiserdlish Cakes £84 0
8.. 0
0 0 Foreign Gold in Coin,Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 Iron,ltritish Bars .... 5 2 6 .. 5 10 0 New Dollars 0 410 Lead, British Pig 17 0 0 .. 17
5 0
Silver in Bars, Standard 0 5 01 Steel, Swedish Keg.
14 lo o o
GRAIN, Mark Lane, Oct. 24.
Maple 30 to 31 White 27-29 Boilers 30-32 Beans, Ticks 24-26 Old 27 29 Indian Corn 27-29 Foethe Week ending Oct. 18. Wheat 36s. Od. !Bye 235.04. Bexley 24 9 • Beans 07 6 • Oats 17 0 Peas 07 2 .PBOVISIONS Butter-Best Fresh, 13. 04. per doz. Carlow, 31. 18s. to 41. 24. per cwt.
Bacon, Irish per cwt. 52s. to 54s.
Cheese, Cheshire - 42 70
Derby Plain 46 - 50
llama, York 50 ea Egga,French, per 120, 4s. 3d. to G. 94.
S. d. a. d. s. d. r. d. e. d. s. d. 'Surridnann.
Beef,, 2 0 to 2 6 to 3 0 .... 2 2 to 3 0 to 3 8 Friday. ' Monday.
Mutton 2 - 3 0 - 3 6 ,... 3 2 - 3 10 - 4 2 Beasts. 952 4,682 Veal 2 4 - 3 4 - 3 8 .,.. 2 4 - 3 4 - 3 10 Sheep, 3,090 26,710.
Pork., 3 0 - 3 4 - 4 0
Calves. 391 267 Lamb 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 0 0-0 0-0 01 Pigs,, 653 , 520
• To sink the offal, per 8 lb.
Down and half-bred Hogs per lb. lid. to 1314. Wether and Ewe 10 -111
Leicester Hogget and Wether 12 - 0
Fine Combing 101 -- 114
HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 36 Trusses.) Wheat Straw 21 -25 24 29 Glover ...• 80 -58 84 90 Hay, Good 75. to 80.. 750. to 80. Inferior 60 - 70 80 70
New 0 - 0 ..... ....... 0 - 0
CONSERLAND. SMITH/18CD. 20 "-28 Wurrsimann. 735. W78. 44 -70 75 -86 0 - 0 GROCERIES. Tea, Souchong, fine,per lb.. 1s. 01. to 2s. M. Congou, tine - 1 4 - 1 7
Pekoe, flowery I 6 - 3 0
• In Band-Duty 9 4. Id. per lb. Coffee, tine (in bond) per cwt. 65s. 10 91'. Od Good Ordinary 41 - 445. Od
Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt 231, SA West IsdiaMolasees 13s. Of. to 155. Ids
Wheat 36.74. I Rye
Barley.. - 25 3 Beans Ms. 104. 28 2
17 11 Peas 27 3
Norfolk and Stockton 31 34 American per barrel 19 22 Canadian 19 22 • Bread, 51d. to 74. the 41b loaf.
S. s.
wheat,R.New 34 to 38
Fine 36-38 Old 38-35 White 96-38 Ilne 38-40 Sayer. New. 42-14 Rye 28 to 30 Barley 22-23 Malting , 24-26 Malt, Ord 46-50 Pine 55-it Pfau, Hog 27-28 51 5.
Oats, Peed.. 16 to 17 Fine .. 17-10 Pokuid 19-20
FUse 80-21 Potato 4,, 24-S
line .. 25-26
Kent Pockets 130s. to WO,. Choice ditto 160 230 Sussex ditto 115 130 Farnham ditto 169 . - ill OILS. COALS, CANDLES. Rape OH per cwt. £1 11 0 Refined I 13 6 Linseed 011 1 9 9 Linseed Oil-Cake per 1000 9 10 0 Candles, per dozen, 4a. 6d. to 5. 64. Moulds 16d. per doz. discount) 35.04. Coals, Het ton 16 6 Tees It 3