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flpHE chances of the Comte de Chambord appear to be diminish-
ing. In the first place, the premature convocation of the Assembly has been abandoned ; that body will not meet till November 5—Gunpowder Plot day—and every week is of im- portance to the Republicans, to enable their ideas to circulate. Then M. Um Say, head of the Left Centre, has informed the Due d'Audriffet Pasquier, with the approval of his whole follow- ing of 60 members, that his party adhere unanimously to the Conservative Republic. The Duke, who felt this as a death- wound to his cause, replied that in that case he should urge a dissolution, that his friends would refuse to solicit suffrages again, and would leave the Left Centre alone with the Radicals. M. Ldon Say, we hope with a grave smile at this complete admission that the country was against the Restoration, answered that he would face those dangers, and " the Royalist party is much depressed." It may be very full of hope again in a day or two, but for the first time in modern history the stars in their courses seem to be fighting for the Republic.