Hull Has Returned A Conservative By A Very Small Majority,
—279. Colonel Pease received 6,873 votes, against 6,594 given for Mr. Reed. Colonel Pease polled within one vote of Mr. Clay's poll in 1868, but Mr. Norwood obtained 400 odd......
The Question Of Spurious Or Injurious Tea Seems To Be
growing important. The Chinese have discovered that tea-leaves mixed with dung, iron filings, and other substances, all powdered fine, suits the English market, and are sending......
Mr. C. Thompson Writes Us Two Letters, In The First
of which he calls our recent paper on the Taunton election "rubbish," and in the second denies specifically that he received £1,000 for his expenses from any lady, alleges that......
The Oxford Union Debating Society Celebrated Their...
at Oxford, when Ministers of State, a Lord Chancellor, Archbishops, and other great dignitaries recalled those struggles of youth over which a glory of recollection is shed that......
Mr. Knight, Of Dundee, Has Been Badgered Out Of The
Free Church, by the galling character of the fetters with which it seeks to enforce freedom, — and his congregation appears to be unanimous in following him. At the last stage......
Mr. M"cullagh Torrens Has Invented A New Form Of Address
to constituents,--a kind of royal message. Finsbury, he says, is too populous to address personally, so he sends Finsbury a message on polities, very carefully polished, and......
The Irish Catholic Bishops Have Plucked Up Courage To Put
their shoulders to the wheel, and help on the higher education of the country without that State-aid which. they render difficult by demanding such impossible conditions. After......