25 OCTOBER 1873, page 2

One Of The Most Serious And Annoying Dangers With Which

Rus- sian statesmen have to contend is the chalice that their capital may some fine day disappear altogether. It is well known to the Govern- ment that St. Petersburg is......

We Regret To Observe That The Project Of Bringing Frozen

meat from Australia has failed. The meat became bad a few weeks after leaving Australia, and was all destroyed. The failure is. said to be due to defective mechanical......

Archbishop Manning Has Had A Controversy This Week With The-

Times on the subject of the Prussian ecclesiastical legislation, in which he has got much the best of the battle. On one point, indeed; his denial, apparently, of the right of......

The Efforts Of The Turkish Government To Snd Money Are

really more sensible than we imagined. While taxing all Vacouf lands, the Sultan offers their owners a " Parliamentary title,"—a most valuable compensation. The tobacco regie,......

The Latest News From India Is Very Serious. The Rainfall

in Bengal and Behar has been barely half the usual average, and. famine is beginning to make its appearance in the granary of India. Fortunately it does not extend to the......

A Shower Of Letters From The Gold Coast Were Received

in London on Thursday, but they contain little news of importance. Sir Garnet. Wolseley had arrived (September 27), and his Staff was immediately dispersed to raise native......

The Irish Catholic Bishops Have Plucked Up Courage To Put

their shoulders to the wheel, and help on the higher education of the country without that State-aid which. they render difficult by demanding such impossible conditions. After......

Mr. Cardwell Has Appointed The Royal Commission For...

which is to inquire fully into all grievances alleged by officers as arising out of the abolition of Purchase. It is specially ordered that they are to inquire into grievances......

Lord Airlie On Tuesday Fired Off An Angry Letter In

the Times, comphtirring that Mr. Beesly had misrepaesented his evidence on the Game Laws in two articles in the. Fortnightly Review.. He accused him of suppressing all' evidence......