The news from Spain is very slight, nothing beyond a
few skirmishes, in which the Carlists claim a victory, worthless unless the Comte de Chambord mounts the throne of France. A real battle between the Intransigente fleet and the Spanish fleet, com- manded by the Minister of Marine, is evidently at hand ; but up to Friday, the Irreconcilables were seizing and burning merchant vessels, for which Spain will ultimately have to pay. On the other hand, it seems certain that the Radicals and Progressists have pledged themselves to Castelar, thus giving him the control of all parties in Spain except the Legitimists. That may be use- ful for the future, but meanwhile be wants good troops, steel mountain guns, and above all, a heavy fall of snow, which can hardly be expected for a month yet. The Carlists cannot move in winter, and before spring France may be making •them uncomfortable.