The Roman Catholic Synod at Maynooth have put forth a
pastoral, in which they insist more than •ever on the neceasity of religious—which, of course, to them means denominational—education, anal in which they speak of the new arrangements for Trinity College, Dublin, as changes for the worse which have turned it into a " godless Uni- versity." This term is rapidly becoming a mere formula with the Korean Catholics, who are quite right, from their own point of view, in insisting upon strictly denominational teaching, but who fail to see that there may easily be a great deal more of what even they would call true religious conviction, inspired in the young Protestants who attend an unsectarian University, than in the young Protestants who attend a narrow denominational college. With us, at all events, who do not perhaps manipulate dogma so successfully as they, the fruits of seminarian]. have always
been socially impoverishing, without securing even as much dogmatic faith as is often the result of free intercourse between young men of differing religious faiths.