25 SEPTEMBER 1875, page 3

We Are Glad To See That Irish Members Of Parliament

are be- ginning to follow the rational and constitutional practice of visit- ing their constituents during the Recess, and accounting for their conduct during the Session. Mr.......

Mr. Martin Archer Shee, In A Letter To The Times

of Friday, asserts that it is only the establishment of the Roman Catholic religion in Lower Canada which made this question a question for the Courts. We venture to say that he......

The Rather Sensational And Probably Ill-considered...

1PSwiney to set up a new political party on the basis of the cry, "Faith and Fatherland," has elicited from Mr. Sullivan, as one of the Parliamentary leaders of the Home-rule......

The Roman Catholic Synod At Maynooth Have Put Forth A

pastoral, in which they insist more than •ever on the neceasity of religious—which, of course, to them means denominational—education, anal in which they speak of the new......

The Inquiry Into The Loss Of The Vanguard' Has Been

chiefly occupied this week with the evidence of officers of the ' Iron Duke,'—the vessel which ran into and sank her. From this evidence it appears that the Iron Duke' not only......

The Vehement Dislike Of Capital Punishment Which Has Long...

on the continent of Europe, and especially in Italy and France, is intelligible; though, in our opinion, it is unfortunate, and founded on a wrong principle,—for it is difficult......

The Guibord Case Has Produced A Riot At Montreal. M.

Guibord, who died in 1860, was a memberof the Institut Canadien, an institu- tion whose library contained books strongly disapproved by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Montreal,......

Consols Were At The Latest Date 941 To 94.
