25 SEPTEMBER 1875, page 1

It Is Curious To Observe The Complete Silence Of The

Conserva- tive Press on this new Circular of the Admiralty to Naval Com- manders, enjoining them anxiously to prop up the Slavery laws of all the States with which England has......

M. Thiers Has Had A Chat'with Prince Gortschakoff At...

and in writing to M. Jules Simon of the interview, has told him that the Prince, in spite Of the Herzegovina rising, has no anxiety as to the Eastern question, and is only......

The Temps Announces, Both On Its Own Authority And On

that of the Courrier de France, that the French Cabinet has "unanimously" decided to make the adoption by the Assembly of the scrutin d'arron- dissement a question of......

The Prince Of The Powers Of The Air Has Been

exercising his authority somewhat harshly on the coast of Texas. A gale from the east, which began on the 15th, would seem to have blown the Gulf of Mexico bodily over the land.......

Nothing Very New Has As Yet Come Out In Relation

to the White- chapel discovery. The case against Wainwright is that Harriet Lane (alias Mrs. King) went to live at his Whitechapel residence on the 11th September, 1874, and was......

News Of The Week.

rpHE news from the Herzegovina this week is rather more favourable to the insurgents, though some of the accounts of their victories are clearly fabulous. It seems true,......

The Recent Russian Expedition Along The Old Bed Of The

Oxus has been the subject of an apologetic and apparently inspired ex- planation by " A Student of Central-Asian Politics " in the Times of Thursday. The contention of the......

11 ,,,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript...
