Rorse-shoe Luck
Digging in the hillside below the conifers, where I have 'romised to make a rockery, I discovered a horseshoe. It was a rusty and Well-worn old shoe. The blacksmith who made it and the horse that Wore it have been gathered in these years past. Because one does not find horseshoes as frequently now as one used to, I took it down to the cottage to hang it up. The hanging of a horseshoe always involves a discussion about which way up it should be. Some people insist that it should be toe upwards and others say that the luck falls out if the shoe is inverted in this way. The shoe was placed to hold its luck. A little later, looking round the potting shed, I discovered a second shoe, neighbour to the one I had unearthed. It had been set up in the reverse way. If one shoe lets its luck fall, the other will catch it. There is nothing like protecting oneself against superstition.