Sour Grapes
MEN long in opposition can hardly fail to disappoint their supporters when at last they are in power. How much more must this be so with the Indian Congress, which took office......
A Minor Novelist
Marriage. By Susan Ferrier. (Nelson Classics. 4s.) " IF the present writer, himself a phantom, may be peimitted to distinguish a brother or perhaps a sister shadow, he would......
Herodotus : Father of History. By John L. Myers. (O.U.P. 30s.) IT may be that young men in Persia are no longer taught to ride, to shoot straight and to speak the truth ; and......
Beyond Tragedy
Tragedy Is Not Enough. By Karl Jaspers. (Gollancz. 8s. 6d.) THIS is a book which one reads with mounting excitement and satis- faction. The first glance discloses the excellence......