Rorse-shoe Luck
Digging in the hillside below the conifers, where I have 'romised to make a rockery, I discovered a horseshoe. It was a rusty and Well-worn old shoe. The blacksmith who made it......
The growth of most things comes slowly to a standstill at the end of the season and even the horse's tail fails to appear again if pulled in autumn. One can harvest chickweed......
Country Life
LAsr week, without murderous intent, I walked up through the wood with a gun and watched the reaction of birds to my presence. Of all birds I think the crows know the gun best.......
Ripening Fruit
Green tomatoes and hard pears are often the last things to be brought in when frosts begin and both ripen well if stored in a drawer or kept away from light at the back of a......
The Angler's Prayer .
Above my desk hangs the Angler's Prayer. I smile every time I read: God give me grace to catch a fish, So large that even I, When talking of it afterwards May never need to lie.......