WAR DEPARTMENT, April 18.—Cavalry-5th Regiment of Dragoon Guards- -Lieut. H. L. Payne. from the 9th Light Dragoons, to be Lieut. vice Sir E. S. Hut- chinson, Bart. appointed to the 48th Foot.
3d Light Dragoons—Lieut. R. P. Ridley, from the 5th Lancashire Militia, to be Cornet, without purchase. 9th Light Dragoons—Lieut. A. G. B. Martin, from the. 48th Foot, to be Lieut. paying the difference, vice Payne, appointed to the 5th Dragoon Guards. _ 12th Light Dragoons—G. F. Morant, Gent. to be Cornet, by pur. vice White, prom, 17th Light Dragoons—Regimental Sergt„-Major W. Garland to be Quartermaster, 'vice O'Hara, who resigns.
Infantry—lst Regiment of Foot—To be Lieutenants, without purchase—Ensign T. H. Townsend, vice Thomas, whose promotion, on 11th September 1855, has been cancelled ; Ensign G. Turner, vice Townshend, whose promotion, on the 3d Nov, 1855, has been cancelled ; Ensign R. L. Roberts, vice Turner, whose promotion, on the 20th Jan. 1856, has been cancelled; Sergt.-31ajor E. Teale to be Ensign, without purchase ; Ensign Emanuel Teale to be Adjt. vice Leggett, who resigns the Adjtcy. only. The promotion of Ensign L. L. Roberts to a Lieutenancy, without purchase, on the 2d March 1856, has been cancelled.
7th Foot—The promotion, by purchase, of Ensign J. S. Cocks, on the 1st April 1856, should have been vice Montgomerie, whose promotion, by purchase, on Oct. 26, 1855, has been cancelled, and not vice Ifickie, promoted ; the appointment of Mr. C. H. Kempson to an Ensipey, by purchase, on April 4, was on the strength of the Establishment, and not vice Cocks, promoted. 10th Foot—Sergt.-Major Ii. Erskine to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Arm- strong, promoted, 16th Foot—Brevet-Major J. W. P. Audain to be Major, without purchase, vice Munroe, who retires upon full-pay ; Lieut. C. C. Grant to be Capt. without pur- chase, vice Audain. ' 17th Foot—Lieut. J. II. Mosse, from the 1st West York Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Presgrave, promoted. 26th Foot—J. R. A..Coibrooke, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Candy, promoted in the 83d Foot ; Ensign W. Mangin, from the 1st Derby Militia, to be Ensign, without purchase, vice Marsden, who resigns. 48th Foot—Lieut. Sir E. S. Hutchinson, Bart. from the 5th Drag. Guards, to be Lieut. receiving the difference, vice Martin, appointed to the 9th Lancers. 52d Foot—Ensign G. C. Fraser to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Hon. D. G.' Mori- son, promoted. 61st Foot—Assist.-Surg. A. Hoyte, from the 80th Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Miller, who exchanges.
.77th Foot—Lieut. W. J. Wanklyn has been permitted to resign his commission. 80th Foot—Assist.-Surg. C. M. M. Miller, M.D. from the 61st Foot, to be
Assist.-Surg. vice Ho who exchanges.
81st Foot—Lieut. Hyte,. A. Chichester to be Capt. by purchase, vice Lane, who re- tires ; Ensign D. Weir to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Chichester ; F. Schlotel, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Weir.
83d Foot—To be Lieutenants, by purchase—Ensign J. S. Keddle, vice Teesdale, promoted in the 55th Foot ; Ensign H. Gandy, from the 26th Foot, vice Wilson, promoted in the 55th Foot ; G. L. Huyshe, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Keddle ; the Commission of Assist.-Sorg. W. Sharp to be antedated to 3d Feb. 1855. 86th Foot—Lieut. ii. S. Cochrane to be Adjt. vice Adams, promoted.
Rifle Brigade—Assist.-Surg. G. Lawson has been permitted to resign his com- mission.
3d West India Regiment—Ensign 11. Rowland to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Carlisle, appointed to the 60th Foot. The promotion of Ensign W. R. Mulliner to a Lieutenancy. without purchase, on the 21st Sept. 1855, is on the Establishment, and not vice Carlisle, as previously stated. The promotion of Ensign H. Rowland -to a Lieutenancy, by purchase, on the 15th May 1855, has been cancelled.
Cape. Mounted Riflemen—Ensign C. B. Marshall to be Adjt. vice Bell, promoted.
Land Transport Corps—To be Paymasters—O. Winans Esq.; Capt. B. R. James, from the Royal Dublin City Militia ; Capt. W. Stevens, Land Transport Corps ; Quar- termaster J. Scott, Land Transport Corps; Lieut. R. Boyd, Land Transport Corps.
Hospital Stoff—Assist.-Surg. P. Frank, M.D. from 91st Foot, to be Assist.-8urg. to the Forces, vice Gilborne, appointed to the 71st Foot ; Aesist.-Surg. T. W. Shiell, M.D. has been permitted to resign his appointment.
Breret.—Major-Gen. Sir H. H. Rose, R.C.B. to be promoted to the local rank of Lieut.-Gen. in Turkey. Capt. S. J. Hire, of the 22d Rep. Bengal Native Infantry, to be Major in the. Army. Capt. A. G. C. Sutherland, of the 25th Bengal Nativeln- fantry, to be Major in the Army. Major A. Munro, retired full-pay 16th Foot, to be Lieut.-Col.-in the Army, the rank being honorary only.