Topics Of The Day.
THE NAVAL REVIEW. IT is natural to feel pride in the display of maritime strength at Portsmouth on Wednesday ; not unnatural to ask what good end it served—to what use that......
Sm—let " Astolfo" And Mr. Symons Take Two Oranges, One
greater to represent the earth, one smaller to represent the moon. Let them place the greater on a table. Then let them run a needle through the smaller, having first made a......
Oxford And Cambridge Club, 15th April.
Sin—As a humble member of the rank and file of the army of Wranglers whomyron have challenged in your last number, will you kindly allow me space for a few words in defence of......
Suppose That The Moon , Instead Of Being Detached From The
earth, were connected with it by an inflexible rod equal in length to her mean distance, and joining her centre to that of the earth : then, supposing the moon to revolve round......
24th April 1866.
Bra—It occurs to an humble questioner, that the moon controversy will not be perfectly profitless ; and the hope suggests a few more questions. 1. - 1% , ill not astronomers......
The Illiiminations And Fireworks.
GOVERNMENT illuminates because there is a peace, and "the peo plc " will rejoice because there is an illumination ; facts quite compatible with the existence of very little......