Gt 3rtrufnlio.
At a meeting of the Court of Common Council, on Tuesday, a long address prepared by a Committee of Aldermen, on Sir George Grey's Corporation Reform Bill, was read, and ordered......
The aspect of the colliers' strike becomes serious. It is computed that in the Western coal-fields there are no fewer than 30,000 men idle, while iron-furnaces are " blown out "......
The Maynooth question is eagerly canvassed by both sides. A meeting of the Dublin Protestant Association was held on Monday, to vote thanks to Mr. Spooner, and to stigmatize-the......
Lorrign Nit Canuillt.
iraurr.—The Plenipotentiaries have now left Paris. The Emperor Napoleon desired to bestow the grand cordon of -the Legion of Honour on Lord Clarendon ; a distinction which......
- Two strikes are reported. The ship-painters of Liverpool turned out for 58. a day instead of 4s. 4d. ; some of the masters have granted the increase. The stone-masons of York......