The Maynooth question is eagerly canvassed by both sides. A meeting of the Dublin Protestant Association was held on Monday, to vote thanks to Mr. Spooner, and to stigmatize-the skulking of .the Derbyite leaders. One of the Orange orators rather pointedly put the conduct of the latter. " On looking at the division-list upon the Maynooth question, he found the names of Lord.John.Mannera, Chief Commissioner of Woods and Forests under Lord Derby:s Government, and of Colonel Dunne late Clerk of the Ordnance, voting in favour of the grant, while Sir-F. 'Tliesiger' the able and accomplished Attorney-General of the same Administration, paired off for it likewise. (Hisses.) The Derbyite party had madOsedulous attempts to cushion the question altogether, and were most anxious to-prevent Mr. Spooner from bringing it under the consideration of Parliament, wishing rather to coquet with a few miserable Popish boroughs than to go along with the great voice of the people."
The Lord-Lieutenant has appointed- Mr. James- William Murland, Chairman of the Dublin and Drogheda Railway Company, to - make a special inspection of .the estates under the management of the Commis- sioners of Education in Ireland, the Governors of the Schools founded by Mr. Erasmus Smith, the Incorporated Society, and other estates be-
longing to the endowed schools in Ireland. .
Dr. Bally, who inherits much of Mrs. Kelly's wealth, has offered a re- ward of 5001. for the discovery of her murderers, in addition to the Govern- . meat reward of 100/,