The Daily Chronicle of last Saturday gives a report of
a speech by Mr. E. S. Montagu, Under-Secretary for India containing a most elaborate panegyric of the Insurance Act. The passage concludes as follows : "That was the result of the plucky and courageous fight made by Mr. Lloyd George, who, with his little finger, had done more in five minutes than the editor of the Spectator and his staff would do in a thousand years." The calculation strikes one as curiously like a site-value estimate. After this the Chancellor of the Exchequer can hardly refuse to return the compliment by declaring that Mr. Montagu, aided by the self-sacrificing efforts of the firm of Samuel, Montagu dt Co. in the silver market, has done more in five minutes for the people of India than the editor of the Spectator and his staff would be able to accomplish in a thousand years. The formula is indeed capable of almost indefinite variation and expansion, and we recommend it for imitation to the rest of the Ministry.