26 APRIL 1913, page 14
The R. L. Stevenson Originals.
The it. L. Stevenson Originals. By E. B. Simpson. (T. N. Fauns. 6s. net.)—It is a singularly indiscreet curiosity that seeks to lift the veil which cloaks the lives of writers......
Guerilla Leaders Of The World.
auerilla Leaders of the World. By Percy Cross Standing. (Stanley Paul and Co. 6s.)-Guerilla warfare gives valour its most picturesque opportunity, and the romantic element......
Memories Of Victorian London.
Memories of Victorian London. By Mrs. L. B. Walford. (Edward Arnold. 12s. 6d. net.)-In this age of reminiscence, when the fireside seems to afford our grandmothers too little......