Germany And England.
[To THE EDIT011 OF THE "SPECTATOR.1 SrE,—Your correspondent " Germanicus " in his letters always speaks of Germany as " us " and assumes that "us," i.e., Germany, endorses his......
[to The Editor Oe The " Spectator."]
Srn,—By your footnote to " Germanicus's" letter in your issue of April 19th you appear to ridicule his suggestion of a Turkish menace to Egypt. Whether the Prussian system is......
Portuguese Slavery.
[To MI EDITOR OF THE "Bpacri.roa..'] SIR,—Although you are closing the correspondence as to the pamphlet "Alma Negra," I am sure that in justice to Portugal you will not refuse......
[to The Editor. Or Thz "spectator"] Sru,—there Appears To Be
serious misapprehension here as to both the nature and the probable outcome of the British protest on behalf of the Portuguese political prisoners. In his statement in the......
The Referendum In Switzerland.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "Simms/v[4n SM, — You no doubt have noticed how the Swiss Parliament, after a long and somewhat heated debate, has just formally and finally ratified the......