[To THE EDITOR Of rag " SPECTATOR:] Sin,—May I try to interest your readers in "The Modem Churchman," a magazine which is entering on its third year of existence and does not yet pay its way ? It comes out in the middle of each month. The last number contains articles on "The Ideal English Church," by the Rev. J. M. Thompson ; "The Church and Social Questions," by T. C. Horsfall, Esq. ; "The Manliness of Christ," by the Rev. W. Hall; and "Falser Worship," by the Rev. Canon Bannister. Its mottoes are : "By identifying the new learning with heresy, you make orthodoxy synonymous with ignorance" (Erasmus), and "A State without the means of some change is without the means of its conservation" (Edmund Burke). The great need of the age is the reoonciliation of Labour to the Church, and the identification of true religion with honest work. This is the subject Canon Carnegie is dealing with at St. Margaret's.' Mr. Horsfall deals with it in the right spirit. The ideal Church is only to be attained by a sinking of doctrinal. difference and union in the great principles of true religion. The manliness of Christ is vindicated as an answer to Nietzsche and his disciples, and false worship is shown to pervade regions where orthodoxy is supposed to reign supreme. If this is revolution, surely we are in the throes' of a great political' revolution, and wise guidance is much needed both in Church
[" The Modern Churchman," price 6d., is published by Wm. Parr, Knaresborough, but can, of course, be obtained' through any newsagent.—En. Spectator.]