Mr. Whitbread replied to Mr. Chamberlain. rather by the mere
act of exhibiting his mocleratieni and respec-(ability on- Mr. Gladstone's side, than by anything he said. He alleged that this nies_tim was necessary to vindicate the right of a ruaionty to overpower a minority,—which nobody denies. CW-hat is denied, is their right to silence the minority before any adequate consideration has been given to a measure which not only undoes the work of a century in relation to Ireland, but undermines the traditions of six centuries in relation to England.) Mr. Gosehen's speech was one of the best he ever delivered. He remarked on the noticeable silence of the Irish Members in discussing a Bill of which the finality depends on their attitude, and of which the utility, even from Mr. Glad- stone's point of view, depends largely on its finality. The finance of the Bill, completely revolutionised as it had been since the Bill was first introduced, could now never be discussed under the new gagging resolution. Sir William Harcourt congratu- lated Mr. Chamberlain on the powerful effect the blast of his horn produces in stimulating his foes to the encounter with his friends, and maintained that while the Unionists used the Closure for the purpose of coercing Ireland, the present Govern. ment are using it for the purpose of conciliating Ireland. Mr. Balfour's closing speech was very light and happy in its raillery of Mr. Gladstone. During the Report stage, the Closure had been only moved twice and granted only once, which showed pretty clearly that neither in the opinion of the Government, nor in that of the Speaker or Deputy-Speaker, had the debate been unduly prolonged. Mr. Gladstone himself had been the orator who had wandered farthest from the various points under discussion ; but the wearied House felt that it could easily forgive an orator so fascinating and so delightful. Mr. Chamberlain's amendment was rejected by a majority of 38 (200 to 162), and the guillotine motion was then agreed to.