Personal Possessions.
T HE love of possessing is so obviously one of the strongest characteristics of human nature, and offers so wide a field for thought, that perhaps it would be worth while to......
Tory And Conservative. [to Tile Editor Of The...
was Mr. Disraeli who brought back the name of " Tory," after Sir Robert Peel had for some years replaced it by that of " Conservative."—I am, Sir, &o., A.......
A Gladstonian Protest.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "srE0peTou."] Sin, — Two errors, of a dangerous and far-reaching kind, are at present being made. The first, that a majority, however large, can make what......
Letters To The' Editor.
MR. GLA.DSTONE. [To T8 1 E EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."' ilt, — Why do you constantly speak of Mr. G ladstone's " magnificent " energy, " magnificent " courage, or what not, when......
Welsh Disestablishment.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' SIR,—I am one of many English Nonconformists who revolt at the policy of the Welsh Nonconformists as represented by their Parliamentary......