26 AUGUST 1893, page 16

The Glacial Age.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — It would have been fairer to me and to your readers if Mr. Murphy, before writing on my views in regard to the glacial age, had......

A Gladstonian Protest.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "srE0peTou."] Sin, — Two errors, of a dangerous and far-reaching kind, are at present being made. The first, that a majority, however large, can make what......

Cardinal Newman And Sir Richard Burton.

[To TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —I have seen a letter in the Spectator of August 19th from Dr. W. A. Greenhill, saying that "Richard Burton never met Dr, Newman and......

Silver And The National Debt.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPEOTATOR."] Srn,—Referring to Mr. J. J. Murphy's stipulation that in any alteration in the standard of value, provision should be made that money......

Imprisonment Without Trial In England: [to The Editor Of The

" SPEOTATOE."] Sin,—Most of your readers are probably under the impres- sion that imprisonment without trial (except∎in the case of a person awaiting trial) is impossible in......