On Thursday, the most important point raised was Mr. Hanbury's
proposal that there should be a Secretary for Ireland holding office in the Imperial Ministry. He had little difficulty in showing that the interdependence of English and L•ish affairs made it necessary that there should be some one in Parliament responsible for, and cognisant of, Irish affairs. Mr. Gladstone did not deny this, but characteristically met the amendment by a declaration that he had'" a very great jealousy of the constitution of offices by statute." The object of the amendment was "to keep alive the system which was 'Dublin Castle." The Government, however, " did not intend to set up a Minister to whom dozens of questions at a time might be put with regard to Irish local matters." Sir Henry James showed conclusively that if the new Consti- tution is to work, there must be some person responsible for advising the Lord-Lieutenant in regard to matters in which he will act in his Imperial capacity. Ultimately, the amend- ment for creating an Irish Secretary was negatived by ria (188 to 135).