26 AUGUST 1893, Page 2

On Tuesday, the House resumed the consideration of the Home-rule

Bill, and discussed Sir John Goret's proposal to add the words "or residence" to Mr. Morley's amendment preventing the imposition of any disability by the Irish Par- liament on account of a person's parentage or place of birth, The object of this proposal was, to use Mr. Arnold-Forster's words, to prevent " a special tax upon Irish landlords who had been compelled to leave their country in order to pre- serve their lives." Mr. Gladstone in effect encouraged the idea of taxing absentees. "Absenteeism is, in itself, an evil, and it is for the Irish Legislature to consider in what way it can be dealt with, and it is for them to deal with matters which cannot properly and wisely be discussed here." We agree• that absenteeism is a very great evil, and one which we would gladly see diminished. But are the men who have publicly rejoiced at seeing the houses of the Irish squires untenanted and going to ruin, likely to act fairly in a matter which calls for the most delicate and careful handling ? Sir John Gorat's amendment was ultimately negatived without a• division.