Subsequently the House discussed an amendment of Mr. Henry Hobhouse
forbidding the Irish Legislature to give any undue preference to any Irish trade or industry which would affect prejudicially any trade or industry in Great Britain. which was rejected by a majority of 45 (157 to 112); but Mr. Morley himself proposed and carried a somewhat less stringent amendment directed to the same end. Afterwards, by the same majority of 45 (144 to 99), the House rejected an. amend- ment moved by Mr. Balfour refusing to the Irish Legislature the power of endowing "any denominational University or College, in whole or in part," Mr. Balfour professing that he wished to see such a Catholic University or College endowed by the Imperial Parliament, though he could not consent to its being done by the local Irish Parliament out of taxation exacted in part from Irish Protestants. The discussion, how- ever, on this question showed a very satisfactory amount of agreement between the different parties in the House as to the policy to be pursued on this Catholic University question, though not as to the authorities to whom it should be entrusted. Even Mr. T. W. Russell agreed that such a de- nominational Catholic University ought to be endowed by the State, though its theological chair ought not to be eo endowed. Mr. Carson spoke still more strongly in favour of satisfying the Roman Catholic demand for adequately equipped University teaching within the supervision of their own ecclesiastical superiors ; and it is pretty clear that when- ever the Unionists return to power they will be able to achieve the solution of this problem without alienating their own supporters.