26 AUGUST 1893, Page 25

People's Banks. By Henry W. Wolff. (Longmans.)—Mr. Wolff reviews the

operations of the various institutions described by the phrase that forms the title of his volume, as they are carried on in Germany, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, and France. His general opinion of them is expressed by his sub-title, "A Record of Social and Economic Success." He urges the foundation of similar institutions in this country. Something approximating to them we have. There are obstacles, and the jealousy of the existing banks is among them. The banks, it may be said, are far more accommodating in profession than they are in practice. But there is nothing that may not be overcome. And the advan- tages of promoting thrift and self-dependence among the lower classes—not that the upper classes do not stand in need. of them also—would be beyond all estimation.