26 AUGUST 1893, Page 3

Samoa is again becoming a centre of international dis- turbance.

The Times of Wednesday publishes a letter, dated Apia, July 14th, which states that war has broken out between the forces of Mataafa and Mallietoa, and describes several engagements, resulting in a considerable loss of life and much destruction of property. The whole country is described as being in a condition of agitation and excitement. Two German men-of-war are in the port, but no British or American, Why cannot the triangular squabble be settled by making Mr. Stevenson King of Samoa, with power to draw up, and add to, his own Constitution P Mr. Stevenson is full of sympathy for all things American, and has an American wife, so that there need be no difficulty on that score. The Germans would, no doubt, have very little " show " under this arrangement; and they must therefore, we suppose, be found territorial compensation elsewhere.