26 DECEMBER 1868, Page 3

The business transacted in the Stock Markets throughout the week

has been only moderate, but there has been a firm tone apparent, notwithstanding the unsettled state of the Eastern question. Consols closed on Thursday last at 921 for delivery, and 921 for the January account. In Foreign Bonds the general tendency of prices has been towards improvement, and Turkish Stocks have advanced considerably. At the close, however, the market became flat, owing to the announcement that the Porte had refused to entertain the proposal for a Conference. British Railway Shares have ruled quiet, but prices show no change of importance. Metropolitan Stock has been on the advance, not- withstanding the heavy " Bear" accounts that are known to be open in this particular line. The Discount Market has ruled fairly active, and the rate for good short-dated paper has been firm, at 2i, 3 per cent. in Lombard Street. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is now £18,291,621; in the Bank of France, £45,565,000.