The Extent Of The Greek Army Seems To Bs Still
uncertain. The Government has about 11,000 regulars armed with the breech- loader, and the reserve now mobilized numbers 33,000 more, of whom 15,000 may have breech-loaders, and......
Mr. Bright Says Great Cities Are The Centres Of Liberal
feeling. The Times questions the assertion, and with one of its infrequent flashes of insight about America points to the cities there as the centres of resistance to the......
The American Minister, Mr. Reverdy Johnson, Distributed...
the prizes awarded by the Birkbeck Institute to pupils of both sexes. After commenting, as he was in duty bound, on the importance of feminine culture, and also awarding the......
Vice-chancellor Giffard Is To Be The New Lord Justice, And
Mr. W. M. James, Q.C., is to be raised to the Vice-Chancellorship vacated by the new Lord Justice. Both appointments are con- sidered very good. Mr. James has long been one of......
On Thursday And On Friday Wook The Leading Foreign Bonds
left off at the annexed quotations :— Dee. 18. Dec. 24. Dec. 18. Dec. 24,/ Brazilian, 1866 781 7si Russian (Anglo-Dutch) Egyptian, 1864 as 831 Spanish, 1867 :21 :2 4 1......
We Are Glad To Hear That The Professors Of University
College, London, have undertaken to commence courses of lectures for women on the same plan as those which have had so great a suc- cess in Edinburgh,—lectures, that is, not......
A Controversy Has Been Raging At Oxford With Regard To
the new theological school for the B.A. degree,—whether it shall test only the theological knowledge of the candidates, or also the doctrinal soundness of their opinions. Dr.......
The Business Transacted In The Stock Markets Throughout...
has been only moderate, but there has been a firm tone apparent, notwithstanding the unsettled state of the Eastern question. Consols closed on Thursday last at 921 for......
It Has Been Decided To Bring Six Of The Directors
of Overend, Gurney, and Co. before the Criminal Courts, on the charge of con- spiring together to obtain money by false representations, to see, in fact, whether under English......
The Pope Appears To Deplore The Movement For The Education
of girls heartily. He evidently holds that if the girls of Europe are to be educated; the women of Europe will cease to be Roman Catholics ; and if the women of Europe cease to......
It Is Said That While Only One Soldier Of The
United States' War of Independence is still living and drawing a pension,—he voted the other day, we believe, for Grant, and had voted for every President from Washington to......
On Thursday And On Friday Week The Leading British Railway
Shares left off at the annexed quotations :— Dec. 18. Dec. 24. Dec. 18. Dec. 94. Great Eastern 411 411 Lon., Chatham, & Dover 161 17 Great Northern 1061 100 Metropolitan 1021......