The Archbishop Of Armagh Gives So Very Different An Account
of the proceedings of the Orangemen in Mr. Greer's church in Ulster, referred to lately by Mr. Gladstone in Lancashire, from that taken by Mr. Greer himself, that it is......
Admiral George Grey Is A Brave Man. He Has Ventured
to publish a letter in the Times advocating a cession of Gibraltar to the Spaniards, they offering us Ceuta in exchange. Gibraltar, he says, is of no use in time of war either......
The Spanish Municipal Elections Have Passed Over...
resulted—somehow or other. The bulletins inform us that the municipality in Madrid is Liberal-Monarchical, but does not give the result for all Spain. There are strong rumours......
Lord Cairns Has Refused To Become One Of The Lord
Justices of Appeal in Chancery, although strongly urged by his successors on the Woolsack to accept that office. It is, perhaps, not to be wondered at, that Lord Cairns should......
Mr. Bright, In His Speech At Birmingham The Other Day,—tho
finest and most touching part of which we have noticed else- where,—explained that he had declined to accept the Secretary- ship for India because the time was not yet ripe for......
The Majority Of The Cottonspinners In Lancashire Have...
go upon half-time. It appears from the speeches at a meeting of the masters that there is some dissension between the great and little manufacturers, the former ascribing the......
Mr. Mcculloch, Financial Secretary To The President,...
or any "argument addressed to the fears of the bondholders," but wants to substitute for the present 6 per cent. debt a 5 per cent. one. He thinks he could borrow £100,000,000 a......
Mr. E. A. Leatham, M.p. For Huddersfield, Made A Clever
speech at a local banquet on Tuesday evening, in which he expressed a cer- tain disguse at the weight of the Peeiage in the new Govern- ment, and characterized the Ministry as......