26 DECEMBER 1885, Page 1

The election for the Orkneys and Shetlands having resulted in

the return of the Liberal candidate (Mr. Lyell) by a very large majority, the New Parliament is now complete, and we give the result for the different portions of the Kingdom :— Liberals. Paraellites.


Boroughs 109 1 116 England ... Counties 134 .. 100 1 0 Universities 4 0

1 Totals for England 244 220


Boroughs 9 2 0

t Counties 18 1 0 Totals for Wales 27 3 0 Boroughs 90 1 0

Scotland... Counties $2 7 0

Universities 0 2 0 _

Totals for Scotland 62 10 0

Boroughs 0 6 11 Ireland ... Counties 0 11 74 Universities 0 . 2 0

Totals for Ireland 0 .. .. 18 ...... 85

And for the whole United Kingdom the result is :—Liberals, 333; Tories, 251; Parnellites, 86. This calculation gives the so-called "Independents " to the Tories, with whom, no doubt, they will generally vote on critical occasions.