26 DECEMBER 1885, page 2

The Bishop Of Ossory Has, According To A Correspondent Of

Tuesday's Times, put up on the door of the Roman Catholic Cathedral at Kilkenny an episcopal manifesto against mixed marriages which does not read as if the danger of the......

Mr. John Marley Made A Striking Speech At Newcastle On

Monday, t'm drift of which was certainly in favour of granting Home-rule to Ireland; but, in spite of this, Mr. Morley spoke with a sense of the gravity of the danger of any......

The Latest Accounts From The Balkan Are, With One Exception,

all favourable. The Military Commissioners have decided that Servia must quit the district of Widdin, and that Bulgaria must retire from Pirot ; and as that is equivalent to......

Mr. Forster Has Declared Agaiaat Home-rule For Ireland,...

one supposed that he *out& do. Writing fromitbe Osborne Hotel, Torquay, he says,—me pvesame his communication was addressed to the Press, as it is not said, as quoted Mille......

Lord Hartington Has Written A Letter To Mr. Brooks, The

chairman of his election committee in the Rossendale division of North-East Lancashire, denying that any proposals for satisfying the demands of the Home-rule Party in Ireland......

Mr. T. P. O'connor Is Not Mr. Parnell; But He

is a good deal more than one of the nominees whom that leader has been com- pelled, in default of better candidates, to appoint to Irish seats, and to whom he will barely speak.......

A Shanghai Correspondent Of The Standard Telegraphed On...

inst. that the boy-Emperor of China, who is now just fifteen, will assume the Government in February, and that the E m press- Regent, who, it must be remembered, is only an aunt......

In His Speech Of Our Remarks Of Last Saturday, And

denied our assertion that every concession made to Irish demands had intensified the hatred of the Irish people for England. Of manse, neither Mr. Sullivan not may one else can......